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Literary Terms and Techniques Review

By Ms. Iocco

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13         14      
        16   17      

5._______________________________ ______________________________ is the second element of plot. It involves the plot points and complications. It is the series of events that follow the exposition, build up and create tension and suspense, and eventually lead up to the climax of the story. During this part of the story, the conflicts within a story are presented as well as the various obstacles that frustrate the protagonist's (main character or character’s) attempt to reach his or her goal.
7.A _____________________________ is a comparison between two unlike things WITHOUT USING LIKE or AS.
8.___________________________ _____________________________ is a struggle between a character and an outside force (for example: person vs. person, person vs. society, person vs. nature)
12.The exposition ends with the __________________________, which is the single incident in the story's action without which there would be no story.
13._________________________________ is when something happens that is the opposite of what is expected (This is also known as Situational Irony)
15.The ________________________________ of a story is the place and time that it occurs in.
16.A __________________________ a word, color, character, etc. that represents a more abstract or complex idea.
18._____________________________ is the first element of plot. It sets the scene and circumstances of a work of literature. It includes introcuction to characters and their motivations and goals, setting, tone, and themes.
1.______________________________ is the third element of plot. It is the turning point or highest point of tension in a story. It is that point in the story where the protagonist’s (main character) decision/action makes the final outcome inevitable.
2.The ____________________________ ____________________________ is the fourth element of plot. It is the sequence of events that follow the climax and end in the resolution or conclusion. Usually, during this part of the story, the conflict between the protagonist and the antagonist unravels, with the protagonist winning or losing against the antagonist.
3.___________________________ _____________________________ is a struggle that occurs between a character and his or her self in this person's own mind (person vs. self)
4.The _____________________________ is the character who get in the way of the main character (who the reader gets most invested in)
5.____________________________ is the fifth element of plot. It is the conclusion of a story which ties up all loose ends.
6.The main idea, moral, or lesson a story teaches you is known as its ________________________.
9.________________________________ is when an author hints at what is to come in a story to build suspence.
10.The _________________________ is the main character of a story who the reader gets most invested in.
11.______________________________ is a struggle between two forces in a story.
14.An ___________________________ is a reference in one work of literature to something or someone from history or from another work of literature.
15.A ___________________________ is a comparison between two unlike things USING LIKE or AS.
17.A ____________________________ is an important reaccuring idea in a story.

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