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Christiana, Joy & Roxanne

1     2     3 4
    9   10 11
12 13                        
16       17      

1.Your heart is a __________.
5.Oxygen is carried by blood through a network of blood _________?
6.Lack of ___________ is another risk factor.
7.People who have been ill often wear what?
8.___________ from a heart attack is often described as a heaviness, tightness, squeezing or pressure, like someone is "sitting on my chest".
13.When people get Angina what spray do they tend to use?
14.____________ for sounds of breathing.
15.What does the 'R' stand for in 'CPR'?
16.What affects the body in very physical ways?
19.What is it called when someone realizes that another person is having heart trouble or a stroke? Early _____________.
20.When an adult is found unconscious. Check for ___________ like electric wires and glass.
2.What is it called when the heart is no longer beating or pumping blood through your body? 'Cardiac _____________.'
3.Before helping someone who is still conscious, always ask for ___________ to help.
4.What is the small computerized device paramedics use to deliver a special kind of shock to the head to reset the heart muscle and restore its pumping muscle?
9.In the ABC & D, what is it called when you start chest compressions to help blood circulate?
10.What is the miracle drug that dissolves blood clots and reduces damage to the heart and brain called?
11.What is beneath the heart?
12.Several people who smoke ____________, causes lung cancer.
17.When an area of the brain is nourished by an artery that has no oxygen and causes damage, what is it called?
18.Serious damage to the brain starts in __________ to six minutes, when a person is without oxygen.

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