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Shelter Medicine Foster Care Programs

Erin Ramsdell

Foster care programs can be a huge asset to shelters, but they also do not come without responsibility. A well run foster program needs to have formal, standardized protocol and well-educated caregivers.

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2.Foster programs with a lack of structure can lead to caregiver _______, in which their morale and enthusiasm wanes due to lack of support, both financial and emotional.
5.Animals with ______ problems are poor candidates for foster care. Fearful or fractious animals may adapt to a foster home after training and time, however this does not mean they will do as well in a new environment.
8.Three important aspects of determining whether a foster program is suitable for a given shelter is whether there is sufficient time, staff and ______ for the program to succeed.
10.This type of longer-term foster care is used to ease the end of life period for animals. Similar to humans, with ____ or palliative care treatment for pain or discomfort is provided until euthanasia is appropriate.
16.Puppies and kittens that were orphaned are commonly placed in foster care until they are old enough to be available for adoption. However there is evidence that hand rearing may cause puppies and kittens to become overly attached, timid or aggressive due to improper intra species ___________.
18.Foster caregiver candidates should submit an assessment of their own animals performed by their _________. This should include evaluation of the general health, temperament, and well being of all animals.
19.Regular examinations and monitoring are essential to a foster program’s success. Animal’s should be seen at least every ____ weeks to check on health status and verify that the foster caregiver is providing adequate care. Sicker animals and animals with novice caregivers should be seen more often.
20.As with any successful program, a good foster care program will have a dedicated ___________ who is knowledgeable about the shelter’s operation and policies, is willing to support and guide caregivers, is meticulous about record keeping and has strong public relation skills.
1.Caregivers should be aware of the potential for transmission of ________ diseases, including scabies, ringworm, rabies and giardia.
3.Once an animal is placed a contract must be signed that clearly states that the animal remains the property of the ______, as well as designate a return date.
4.Applying to become a foster caregiver should be similar to being considered for a _____. A formal application should be completed, including permanent address, drivers license number, and a list of animals they own. An interview and home visit should follow.
6.Funds and protocols for _______ care must also be included in a foster program. Unexpected conditions can arise with puppies, and should be expected with pregnant animals.
7.Foster caregivers should be at least ______ years of age.
9._______with foster care include instances when caregivers adopt their foster animals or when rehabilitation is not successful. Adoption is not a problem unless it happens many times and caregivers must not be allowed to take in more animals than they can adequately care for. Problems can also arise when rehabilitation is unsuccessful and fostered animals are deemed unfit for adoption. If caregivers were well informed and understood that this was a possible outcome then this situation is easier for everyone involved.
11.Another type of foster care can be used with animals that are involved in _____ cases. In order for foster care to be available in these situations, the court must be contacted and approve it first. There are a separate set of court-ordered guidelines that must be followed in these cases.
12.A good foster program improves the overall ____ of the shelter population by isolating sick and susceptible animals.
13.Useful if shelter has inadequate ______ facilities. Fostering overcomes this deficiency by allowing removal of animals with mild infectious diseases to minimize transmission to the remainder of the shelter population. Also allows separation of young or immune- incompetent animals from the remainder of the shelter population.
14.a foster candidate must be informed of the _____ a foster animal poses to their pets, including transmission of disease, behavioral conflicts, and parasitic infestation.
15.New caregivers should undergo a foster care ______ program. They should receive a similar orientation as shelter employees as well as one geared more toward the foster program. They should be made aware of diseases and behavioral conditions that can be expected in foster animals as well as given a list of important contact information so they always have someone to turn to with questions.
17.Foster care should be a ____-____ situation. This prevents the animals from becoming too attached to their foster caregivers (and visa versa) so that rehoming will not be as difficult a transition. Frequent turnover also allows more animals to be placed.(2 words)

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