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3.Mature female goat.
4.Breed of goat, named after the region in Switzerland where the breed originated. It is also the oldest registered breed. They are medium in size, moderate in production, and have relatively low butterfat content (2-3%) in their milk. The color is solid varying from light fawn to dark chocolate, with no preference for any shade. Distinct white markings are as follows: white ears with dark spot in middle; two white stripes down the face from above each eye to the muzzle; hind legs white from hocks to hooves; forelegs white from knees downward with a dark line (band) below knee acceptable; a white triangle on either side of the tail. Wattles, small rudimentary nubs of skin located on each side of the neck, are often present in this breed.
8.Mature male goat.
9.The breed was developed in Great Britain of native milking stock and goats from the Middle East and North Africa. Its distinguishing characteristics include large, pendulous ears and a "Roman" nose. Due to their Middle-Eastern heritage, they can live in very hot climates and have a longer breeding season than other dairy goats. Considered a dairy or dual-purpose breed, they are known for the high butterfat content of their milk, although on average, the breed produces less milk than other dairy breeds.
10.Term for a young goat of either sex
13.Hair of a goat.
14.Breed of domestic goat known for its very good milking ability. They are multi-colored and have no set markings. They have erect ears, horns, and have a dish-face. These goats can range in color from white or gray to brown and black. These goats are heavy milkers; the milk can be made into butter, cheese, soap, ice cream or any other dairy product that cow's milk can produce. They are most often used for commercial milking. The breed originated in the French Alps.
15.Dairy goat with gopher ears.
17.Breed also called the brush goat or scrub goat, came originally from Spain via Mexico to the USA. It is now a meat and brush-clearing type found widely in the U.S. In the Southeast and elsewhere, they are often referred to as "wood", "brush" or "briar", "hill", and "scrub" goats. Until recently, these goats were kept mainly for clearing brush and other undesirable plant species from pasture lands. This breed has the ability to breed out of season, and is an excellent range animal because of its small udder and teats. In addition, these goats are very hardy, able to survive and thrive under adverse conditions, with only limited management inputs.
20.Breed of goats originated from New Zealand by crossing feral goats with dairy goats in the 1980s. They were developed for fast growth, survivability with little input from the producer and their hardiness. There is no set color pattern for the breed.
21.Goat cheese
1.Castrated male goat.
2.A miniature dairy goat breed of West African ancestry. Originally brought to the United States on ships as food for large cats such as lions, the survivors originally lived in zoos. These goats are popular as hobby goats due to their easy maintenance and small stature. According to the show association ADGA, it is now considered a dairy goat breed.
5.Term for a young, immature male goat
6.Term for a young, immature female goat
7.Goats known for their production of hair.
11.Breed of meat goats that is typically white with a mahogany head and neck, but can also be white with black, solid black, solid red, dappled, and or paint. Many were brought over to America via South Africa. Most popular breed of meat goats in TN.
12.Term for a young, immature female goat
16.The family name for goats
18.A small breed of domestic goat. Although they produce a very large amount of milk for their size, and can be eaten, these goats are not typically used for milk or meat, unlike larger dairy and meat goat breeds. These goats tend to be more robust and breed more continually throughout the year than either dairy or meat goats. They are also sometimes kept as pets in urban or suburban backyards, depending on local regulation of livestock ownership. This goat is quite hardy, an asset in a wide variety of settings, and can adapt to virtually all climates. The anatomy of this goat shows it has many features, such as a thurl, but also has features similar to other animals, such as the dew claw which is also found on dogs.
19.The Holstein breed of dairy goats. A white or cream-colored breed of goat, from Switzerland. These are the largest of the goat dairy breeds. Does typically weigh 150 lb or more, with bucks weighing over 200 lb. This breed also produces the most milk on average, and tends to have a lower butterfat content, about 2.5%–3.0%. A mature nanny of this breed produces around an average of 1 gallon of milk a day. Just as Alpines, they are commonly used for commercial milking. Their temperament is, as a rule, calm and mild mannered; breeders have been known to refer to them as living marshmallows. These goats are easier for children to handle, and are popular in the showmanship classes due to their calm nature. They typically breed every year, producing one or two kids.

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