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Storm E. Photon

Chapter 10. Contains: Calvin cycle, carbon fixation, carotenoid, ferredoxin, grana, lumen, Pheophytin, photophosphorylation, Photosystem 1, Photosystem 2, plastocyanin, plastoquinone, ribulose bisphosphate, rubisco, starch, stroma, sucrose, thylakoid, Z scheme model.

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3.A small protein that shuttles electrons from photosystem II to photosystem I during photosynthesis.
5.A nonprotein electron carrier in the chloroplast electron transport chain. Receives excited electrons from pheophytin and passes them to more electronegative molecules in the chain. Also carries protons to the lumen side of the thylakoid membrane, creating a proton-motive force. Also called PQ.
6.The enzyme that catalyzes the first step of the Calvin cycle during photosynthesis: the addition of a molecule of CO2 to ribulose biphosphate.
9.Any class of accessory pigments, found in chloroplasts, that absorb wavelengths of light not absorbed by chlorophyll.
14.A mixture of two storage polysaccharides. The major form of stored carbohydrate in plants.
15.In photosynthetic organisms, an iron-and sulfur-containing protein in the electron transport chain of photosystem I. Can transfer electrons to the enzyme NADP+ reductase, which catalyzes formation of NADPH.
16.The interior space of any hollow structure or organ.
17.A disaccharide formed from glucose and fructose. One of the two main products of photosynthesis.
18.A five-carbon compound that combines with CO2 in the first step of the Calvin cycle during photosynthesis. Also called RuBP
19.In photosystem II, a molecule that accepts excited electrons from a reaction center chlorophyll and passes them to an electron transport chain.
20.A photosystem that contains a pair of P700 chlorophyll molecules and uses absorbed light energy to produce NADPH.
1.In chloroplasts, stacks of flattened, membrane-bound vesicles (thylakoids) where the light reactions of photosynthesis occur.
2.The phosphorylated three-carbon compound formed as the result of carbon fixation in the first step of the Calvin cycle.
4.Production of ATP using the energy released as light-excited electrons flow through an electron transport chain during photosynthesis.
7.The fluid matrix of a chloroplast in which the thylakoids are embedded. Site where the Calvin cycle reactions occur.
8.A flattened, membrane bound vesicle inside a plant chloroplast that functions in converting light energy to chemical energy.
10.In photosynthesis, the set of light-independent reactions that use NADPH and ATP formed in the light-dependent reaction to drive the fixation of atmospheric CO2, and reduction of the fixed carbon, ultimately producing sugars. Also called the Calvin cycle.
11.Path of electron flow in which electrons pass from photosystem II to photosystem I and ultimately to NADP+ during the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis.
12.In photosynthesis, the set of light-independent reactions that use NADPH and ATP formed in the light-dependent reaction to drive the fixation of atmospheric CO2, and reduction of the fixed carbon, ultimately producing sugars. Also called carbon fixation.
13.A photosystem that contains a pair of P680 chlorophyll molecules and uses absorbed light energy to produce ATP.

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