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Personal Finance

2   3                          

2.Where must you buy merchandise "as is"?
4.Giving the mechanic authority to repair his scooter is an example of which type of service work agreement?
5.Mary called and spoke with several wedding photographers before she selected one.
8.Which effective shopping practice is making sure you have the name and physical location of the person from whom you are buying merchandise online? shop wisely ________?
9.What type of store is most likely the best place to shop for a slightly used bed?
10.Agreeing to purchase a new vacuum cleaner from someone who comes to your home to show them is an example of which type of home shopping?
1.What type of store is most likely the best place to shop for several cases of oranges?
3.Home Shopping Network is an example of which type of home shopping?
6.What type of store is most likely the best place to shop for daughter who has a small, narrow foot and needs soccer cleats?
7.Which effective shopping practice is deciding to wait for big ticket items to go on sale?

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