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Science Crossword 3.3

Mikelle Murray

5   6                    

2.A reversible physical change that occurs when a substance changes from one state of matter to another
4.The process that changes a substance from a liquid to a gas at temperatures below the substance's boiling point
6.A description of a change in which a system absorbs energy from it's surroundings
8.The phase change in which a gas or vapor changes directly into a solid without first changing into a liquid
9.The pressure caused by the collisions of particles in a vapor with walls of a container
10.The phase change in which a substance changes from a solid to gas or vapor without changing to a vapor first
11.The energy of a substance must absorb in order to change from a solid to a liquid
1.The energy a substance must absorb in order to change from a liquid into a gas
3.The phase change in which a substance changes from a liquid into a gas
5.The phase in which a substance changes from a gas or vapor to a liquid
7.A description of a change in which a system releases energy to it's surroundings

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