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Literary Devices Review

By Ms. Iocco

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13         14          

4.________________________ is a word the imitates the sound it represents (for example: buzz)
11.A ______________________ is an object, color, character, etc. that represents a more abstract or complex idea.
12._______________________ is the repetition of initial (beginning) consonant sounds in a series of words.
13.The main idea of, moral of, or lesson a story teaches you is known as its ____________________________.
15.____________________________ is the emotion/s that a literary work draws out of you as you are reading it.
17._____________________________ is when an author gives human characteristics to a non-human thing.
18.______________________ ______ __________________ is the perspective from which a story is told (either first-person, second-person, third-person omniscient, third-person limited)
19._____________________________ is the author's attitude toward a subject.
1.The author's use or descriptive or figurative language which appeals to any of the five senses is known as ____________________________.
2.__________________________ is the method used by a writer to develop a character. The method includes (1) showing the character's appearance, (2) displaying the character's actions, (3) revealing the character's thoughts, (4) letting the character speak, and (5) getting the reactions of others to character {direct (when the author tells the reader what a character is like) vs. indirect (when the reader has to figure out what a character is like by observing his or her actions or words), protagonist (the main character of a story who the reader gets most invested in), antagonist (the character who gets in the way of the protagonist), character foil (a character whose traits are in direct opposition (are opposite) to those of the main character. This character, therefore, highlights the traits of the protagonist)}
3.A significant recurring idea in a work of literature is known as a _____________________________.
5._____________________ is an extreme exaggeration which is made for effect and not to be taken literally.
6.___________________________ is when something happens or is said that is the opposite of what is expected (situational, verbal, or dramatic).
7.____________________________ is the place and time a work occurs in.
8.An __________________________ is a reference in one work of literature to a person or event from another work of literature or from history.
9.A __________________________ is a comparison between two unlike things without using like or as.
10.__________________________ occurs when an author hints about what is to come in a story in order to build suspense.
14.A struggle between two forces, whether external (person vs. person, person vs. society, or person vs. nature) or internal (person vs. self) is known as __________________________.
16.A __________________________ is a comparison between two unlike things using like or as.
17._______________________ is the structure of a story; the sequence in which an author arranges events in a story. (Freytag's Pyramid - exposition {which introduces setting, characters, themes, etc.) [inciting moment - without which there would be no story], rising action (which presents reader with main conflicts and begins to build suspense), climax (which is the highest point of tension or turning point in a story), falling action (which usually involves the main conflict being resolved as the protagonist either "wins" or "loses"), resolution (which ties up loose ends in a story)}

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