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What is Geography?


These words need to be entered into the correct place on your puzzle. Use the clues to help. * rivers * tourism * weather * deserts * population * energy * earthquakes * glaciers * coasts * poverty * industry * rainforests * migration * Global warming (no gaps between the words)

1 2 3
7 8                    
9                 10 11

4.This Environmental Geography topic looks at how the earth is getting hotter
5.This Human Geography topic looks at where people move and why
8.This topic can often be a mix of all 3 types of Geography as we study the type of vegetation, how man uses the forest and the effects of chopping it down (deforestation)
9.This Physical Geography topic can also be Environmental as people study very large formations of ice in mountainous areas. They also study how fast they are melting due to global warming.
12.This Physical Geography topic studies the area where the land meets the sea
13.This Physical geography topic studies how water flows over the land
14.This Human Geography topic studies what we do for work
1.This Physical Geography topic is about the movement of the earth's crust causing the ground to shake
2.This Human Geography topic can also be Environmental as we study how we keep ourselves warm and how we cook and trasnport ourselves around. We can also study the effects of this on our environment
3.This Human geography topic studies where people go on holiday
6.This Human Geography topic studies how the size of a country can grow as more people are born and less die
7.This Physical geography topic studies why it rains, why it may be warm or cold and why we have hurricanes
10.This Physical Geography topic is the study of a very dry area
11.This Human Geography topic studies how many people in our world are poor and the reasons for this inequality

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