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Graphic Design Options

Josh G

Objective 1.02 Outline

Word Bank
Types of Guides, Margin Guides, Column Guides, Gutter, Ruler Guides, Master Page, Prototype, Graphics, Bleed, Caption, Dropped Cap, Pull-Quote, Sidebar, End Mark, Nameplate, Main Heading, Subheadings, Byline, Kicker, Deck, Running Headlines and Footers, Body, Jumpline

5           6    
14         15
20             21                  

3.words positioned above headline as a lead-in/teaser
5.Author or contributor of photo or article, just below headline or photo, beginning or end of article
7.Title of article, usually in larger font (2 Words)
8.Between a headline and article to provide a segue between headline and body.
11.non-printing lines that copntrol the flow of text within columns (2 Words)
13.Symbol (wingding) to indicate end of article. (2 Words)
17.non-printing lines indicating empry space between pages edges and contents (2 Words)
18.Line at end of continuing article, tells reader page on which to find the rest of the article.
19.Includes items and formats common to every page, maintains layout consistency (2 Words)
20.Empty space between columns
21.Small section of text, pulled out and quoted, in larger font size to draw attention.
22.Non-printing lines to aid the designer in placing objects (3 Words)
1.Headers and footers to indicate dates, page number, running titles, and guides reader (4 Words)
2.Smamer self contained stoery beside a larger story which may (not) be related, usually boxed with own headline, set off from main text.
4.Helps convey meaning and adds appeal
5.Print effect where layout, type, picture extends beyond margin to physical edge of page.
6.Bulk of text in the publication. Articles, news items, etc.
9.non-printing lines used to precisely align objects (2 Words)
10.subtitles, usually in smaller font than title, used to break up body copy.
12.Identifies an illustration or graphic
14.Banner on doc. front ID'ing the publication, usually has name of publisher, logo, and or motto.
15.AKA comp or mockup, it is an example of how the final document should look, shown to client in early stages of design
16.Large character at the beginning of a paragraph to grab your attention (2 Words)

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