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Magna Carta

Sally O'Hara, Olivia Schulist, Celeste Shoeleh, Aidyn Carlson

(spaces are not included, "the" is not used in any answer)

1 2
  5               6
7   8    
      9   10  

3.Which English King signed the document? (2 Words)
4.Another well-known name for the Magna Carta. (2 Words)
5.When was the Magna Carta created and signed? (Month and year) (2 Words)
11.The social class on the hierarchy pyramid who gained very little from the Magna Carta.
12.The older brother of King John who led England in the Crusades and taxed the English heavily to support his wars. (3 Words)
13.The Magna Carta limited the power of what in England?
14.Catastrophic even in the middle of the 14th century that killed millions of people, quickly destroying feudalism.. (2 Words)
1.The law in which no one can be imprisoned without a fair trial. (2 Words)
2.After being excommunicated by this Pope, King John began to heavily tax the Catholic Church in England. (3 Words)
6.Who were the writers of the Magna Carta?
7.How many barons were appointed to ensure the king carried out the Magna Carta? (2 Words)
8.The Magna Carta was signed in Runnymede, a town near this river. (2 Words)
9.Created by Paul Revere during the years of the American Revolution, this painting includes many of the phrases written in the Magna Carta as well as related names. (2 Words)
10.What did the Magna Carta strengthen?

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