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Work Power and Simple Machines 3rd


Work Power and Simple Machines 3rd

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5.Heat transfer that occurs when two objects are touching each other.
6.The currents created by this “rise and fall” of a liquid/gas is called a (2 Words)
7.Is a term that describes the energy we receive from a heat source. (2 Words)
10.energy of position. Potential energy is the product of mass, gravity, and height. (Potential Energy is sometimes called “gravitational potential energy). (2 Words)
11.The sum total of potential and kinetic energy in a system. (2 Words)
1.Energy cannot be created nor destroyed (5 Words)
2.Refers to the energy of a moving object. It is the product of an objects mass and velocity divided by two. (2 Words)
3.Term that describes the transfer of “heat waves” with no medium needed for the thermal energy to travel through.
4.The transfer of heat that occurs through liquids and gases. Warm gases / liquids tend to be less dense so they rise while gases and liquids that are cooler tend to be more dense and “sink”
8.The Ability to work
9.is a device that makes work easier
10.The rate at which work is accomplished is referred to as

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