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Chapter 5 sections 1 and 2


1 2
5             6
    7 8   9

3.to find and answer or solution to something - to make a definite and serious decision to do something
5.to refuse to buy, use, or participate in something as a way of protesting
10.showing strong feelings such as love, anger, joy, hate or fear
11.smallest quantity possible
13.leader of the Virginia militia who attacked French forces in the Ohio river Valley and established Fort Necessity
1.court orders that allowed officials to make searches without saying what they were searching for
2.to surrender - to give control of something to another person or group
4.a tax on goods that are being brought into a country
6.a well known Massachusetts lawyer who defended the British soldiers who were involved in the Boston Massacre
7.a cousin of John Adams who established a Committee of Correspondence
8.a written request to government
9.a agreement between nations or groups to help each other against other nations or groups
12.a stage of development

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