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Humans and Climate

Autumn Faithe Arnett

Word Bank
Tropical, Greenhouse, Subarctic, Temperate, Global Warming, Subtropical, West coast, Koppen, Humid, Polar

1 2
8 9    

3.The natural warming of both Earth’s lower atmosphere and Earth’s surface is what effect
4.This zone is a region that experiences hot summers and cold winters
5.Coastal areas between about 40° and 65° north and south latitude have _____ marine climates.
6.This zone is a region that experiences warm weather year-round
10.This dry-summer climate is sometimes referred to as a Mediterranean climate.
1.The increase of global temperatures due to increased levels of greenhouse gases is known as what
2.The region located north of the humid continental climate and south of the tundra has what effect
7.This zone is a region that experiences very cold temperatures year-round.
8.The southeastern United States has a ____ subtropical climate.
9.This climate classification system uses mean monthly and annual values of temperature and precipitation.

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