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Energy Conservation

S. Falzone

Use the information sources we used in class to help you find the answers to this puzzle.

  4                         5
6             7                      
11                           12    

4.the energy stored in the central part (or the nucleus) of the atom. (2 Words)
6.is the ability to make things move or the ability to do work.
7.an object in motion will remain in motion, and an object at rest will remain at rest, unless an exterior force acts on it. (3 Words)
9.this is the energy of moving electrons - runs your computer and light bulbs. (2 Words)
11.this form of energy causes some kinds of metals to be attracted to one another. (2 Words)
14.Energy is neither created nor destroyed it can only be changed from one form to another. (5 Words)
15.this energy is stored in the bonds that hold particles of matter together, such as the energy from food or from fuels such as wood, gasoline, coal, oil and natural gas. (2 Words)
16.this is the form of energy you can hear - it is caused by the vibrations of air or objects. (2 Words)
17.is caused by the vibration or movement of particles - the more movement of the particles, the more thermal energy the object has - e call thermal energy HEAT. (2 Words)
1.the unit used to measure energy.
2.the energy in some materials that allows it to return back to its original shape after being stretched or compressed. (2 Words)
3.when energy changes from one form to another. (2 Words)
5.this energy causes things to fall to Earth - it results from the attraction of objects to each other. (2 Words)
8.this is the energy in a moving object - such as a moving bicycle or a kicked ball. (2 Words)
10.stored energy in objects that are not moving due to its mass and the force gravity acting on it. (2 Words)
12.this is the visible form of energy that allows you to see things - t also includes the kinds of light that you cannot see, such as radio waves, radar, X:rays, infrared waves and ultraviolet waves. (2 Words)
13.when potential energy is transformed into moving energy (2 Words)

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