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Advent 4 Year B checked


Advent 4 Year B

1 2 3
7 8    
10             11

4.He will rule over which house? 1.33 ?
6.‘Rejoice, so highly ___________ The Lord is with you.’ Ân sủng (Lc 1,28)
9.Who is Mary's kinswoman? Lc 1.36 Chị họ của Ma-ri-a là ai?
10.1.36 What did people call Elizabeth? 1.36
12.What will the Lord give Him? 1.32 Đức Chúa sẽ ban cho Người là gì?
14.Where did Mary live? Lc 1.26
1.(Lc 1, 27) What was the name of the Virgin in the town of Nazareth who received the angel's message? (Lc 1,27).
2.(Lc 1, 32) The Virgin Mary will give birth to a son, He will be great and what will He be called? Con Đấng Tối Cao (Lc 1,32). (5 Words)
3.Tổ tiên của Đức Giêsu thuộc dòng dõi vua nào? (Lc 1, 32) The ancestors of Jesus belonged to the family of which king?
5.To whom was Mary betrothed? Lk 1.27 Ma-ria đã thành hôn với ai?
7.(Lc 1, 29) How did the Virgin Mary feel when she heard the angel's greeting? Bối rối (Lc 1,29).
8.Where is Nazareth? 1.26
11.(Lc 1, 31) The Virgin Mary will give birth to a son. What name will the child be given?
13.What is Gabriel? 1.28/38

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