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"The Necklace" sections 2 and 3


"The Necklace" sections 2 and 3

1 2
8         9              
10       11
  13 14     15      

3.Mr. Loisel had been saving money for a gun for .........
6.Matilda "couldn't" go go the party because her dresses were ........
8.After getting the gress, Matilda is not satisfied because she doesn't have a ........to wear.
9.Mrs. Loisel is driven by a desire for ________________ possessions.
12.What is the author's last name?
14.In the relationship of the married couple, who loves the other more?
16.How does Matilda feel once she has a dress to wear?
17.What is the necklace Matilda finally selects made of?
18.How many cards were given out for the party?
1.How much would a suitable costume cost?
2.How many choices did Mrs. Forestier off Mrs. Loisel?
4.What did the clerk bring home to his wife, sure it would thrill her?
5.What is Matilda's response when she receives the surprise from her husband? She is.....
7.Since she has no diamonds to wear with her dress, what does her husband suggest instead?
10.How does her husband feel about giving Matilda the money for a dress?
11.We would spend dollars on a dress; what would Matilda have to pay with?
13.In what country does the story take place?
15.What is Mr. Loisel's 2nd suggestion to his wife when she won't wear a corsage?

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