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Communicating with Technologies


This crossword puzzle will help you learn more about the different ways and types of technology components that aid with communicating with family, friends, and people from around the world.

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3.An inexpensive way to visually and auditorly communicate with others. It enables videoconferencing to occur via computer.
5.A tool for sharing thoughts, questions, or opinions about class material. They are frequently used in online classes to answer questions, and for student interaction.
7.An online software of which people are able to collaborate together online. It allows users to think outside the box not be stuck with a pre determined template.
8.A type of instant messaging that gives users control over those they talk with through the use of a presence information feature, or "buddy lists".
9.A technology that offers great potential for connecting students in live interactions with experts or teachers. A common type of communication used for online classes.
10.A slide show presentation program that includes features like: AutoContent; Outlining; Hierarchal organization of text; Linking; and Notes.
1.A type of technology that is used in classrooms, where a teacher uses a controller pen to move shapes into place by tapping a board.
2.A social networking service, where a user can send "tweets" of 140 characters.
4.A type of technology that enables anyone to become an independent producer and distributor of audio and/or video content that can be offered through the Internet.
6.A type of website that allows people to create, update and publish almost instantly online.

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