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Literary Terms


"Literary Terms" are special words that we use to talk about stories.

Word Bank
situational irony, verbal irony, dramatic irony, overall irony, plot, theme, setting, mood, conflict, resolution, archetype, allusion, simile, metaphor, to compare, to contrast, allegory, personification, tone, protagonist, antagonist

1 2
3       4           5   6
9       10
  14     15                    

3.the central character or leading figure in a story
7.a figure of speech in which the author refers to a place, event, or literary work by way, but only briefly
8.to compare two things using like or as
11.the practice of attaching human traits and characteristics to inanimate objects, phenomena and animals.
12.to show how two or more things or ideas are similar
14.contrast between what is expected and what happens
16.the use of description or dialogue to create a specific "feel" WITHIN the story
19.a famous concept, person or object that represents an entire idea or group of ideas
20.a character or a group of characters which oppose the protagonist
1.what is expected and what actually happens is different
2.situation in which the reader knows something will happen but character(s) in the story don't know it will happen
4.a way of describing an abstract idea by using a simpler, more concrete example
5.the use of words or descriptions that show the author's feelings about the story
6.the events that happen in a story
9.something someone says which is not what they really feel
10.to compare two things WITHOUT using like or as
12.to show how two or more things or ideas are different
13.the resistance the protagonist finds between herself and her goals
15.the settling of the conflict within the story
17.the time and place in which a story happens
18.the main idea in a story

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