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NorthStar 4 LS Unit 2 Vocabulary


Vocabulary words & phrases from Unit 2 of NorthStar 4 LS (4th Edition)

1 2                   3  
  6     7  
  10   11                    

2.I knew I only had a few more miles to walk in the race, so I _________________ and got to the end even though I was exhausted.
9.Whenever life gets hard, you need to just ________________ and do your best anyway.
11.I used to run every day, but after I was in the car accident, _______________. I couldn't run anymore like I used to.
12.My brother has a mechanical arm. He hates it, but I think it _____________________.
13.His accomplishments are really impressive, they _______________ just making lots of money and being successful.
14.There are a lot of __________________ about people who are deaf. Most people think they can't hear or speak, but a lot of them lead very normal lives in spite of their handicap.
15.Running a marathon is _____________________. It is even harder for someone with asthma.
16.The idea that handicapped people can't play sports is very _______________. There are specific teams and leagues just for handicapped people, and they are often better at their sport that average athletes!
17.Many people have to deal with ____________ at least a few times in their lives. The strongest people don't stop trying because of them.
1.Climbing Mt. Everest is impressive even for an __________ person, but for a handicapped person it's amazing!
3.A lot of people can accomplish great things, but the truly remarkable ones are those who keep trying and succeed even _____________________________.
4.The doctor gave me a _____________ that meant I would be blind within 5 years, but I didn't let that stop me from doing my favorite things!
5.She was overcome with ____________ when her husband passed away.
6.I love reading about people who _______________________ to accomplish something. Carol Saylor is one of those people. She became a successful artist and teacher even though she's blind and deaf.
7.He was completely ___________________ when he heard the news that he would never walk again.
8.Whenever I want to give up, I remember Helen Keller. She was blind and deaf and accomplished great things anyway. Her story is ___________________________ when I'm ready to quit.
10.I think people like Stephen Hawking are very ___________________. The remind me that I can do anything I set my mind to.

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