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Film crossword


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3 4 5 6            
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6.information about the plot or ending of a film that may damage or impair the enjoyment of the film if known ahead of time
7.a comedy that imitates or makes fun of an existing work(s) in an absurd, non-sensical way, and exaggerates its characteristics
9.the second or third film in a series of films that presents characters and/or events that are chronologically set before the time frame of the original movie
11.the person who introduces a television or radio programme
12.of the usual, traditional, or accepted type, instead of being new and different
13.a person in a book, play, film etc
14.a redone, second version of a film's narrative and subject matter
15.movie chains with movie theatres that screen more than one film at a time, as opposed to single-screen theatres.
16.refers to spectators, viewers, participants
17.refers to the written text of a film - a blueprint for producing a film detailing the story, setting, dialogue, movements and gestures of actors, and the shape and sequence of all events in the film
1.an animation technique in which the illusion of continus, real movement of three-dimensional objects, often people, is broken - stop-action, single frame animation
2.refers to how companies buy advertising space within a film for their products, as a way for a producer to fund some film production costs
3.usually a cheaply-made sub-genre film (usually in the horror genre) designed for the teenage audience
4.a series of related events that make up the main story in a book, film etc.
5.the name given to famous, talented, and popular actors or celebrities, often in lead character roles
8.The selection and assembly of the various shots or sequences for a reel of film.
10.inventing or using new ideas, methods, equipment etc

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