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EEn. 2.4 Crossword Puzzle

WHS Earth / Environmental Science Dept.

Information about this puzzle can be found at: http://www.eenorthcarolina.org/images/River%20Basi n%20Images/final_web_booklet.pdf

1 2   3          
8 9                  

2.pertaining to the edges of streams or rivers
4.an area where the water table is at, near or above the land surface long enough during the year to support the growth of specially adapted plants.
6.eroded soil particles that wash or blow into rivers
7.a semi-enclosed area where fresh water from a river meets salty water from the sea
8.the water found in cracks and pores in sand, gravel and rocks below the earth’s surface
10.a natural system linked by living (plants, animals) and nonliving (soil, air, water) things.
11.(Two Words) rapid, dense growth of algae that robs the water of oxygen as it dies and decomposes
12.the totality of genes, species and ecosystems in a region.
13.describes the physical features of a place, or the terrain—such as mountains, valleys and floodplains.
1.all the land drained by a river, stream or lake
3.(Three Words) discharge entering a stream at a specific, detectable point such as a pipe or outfall
5.(Abbreviation) Abbreviation for the a NC organization that maintains a plan for healthy river basins across our state
9.(Two Words) The land that water flows across or under on its way to a river.
11.a porous rock layer under - ground that is a reservoir for water

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