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Rhetorical Devices Review

By Ms. Iocco

1 2

3._______________________ is the author's use of vivid/descriptive language which appeals to any of the five senses.
6.______________________ is the author or character's attitude toward a subject.
8.______________________ is when an author significantly says something multiple times within a text.
10.______________________________ is the use of sarcasm or ridicule to make fun of or expose flawed parts of society.
11.______________________ is the author's placement of two opposite ideas next to one another to highlight their differences.
12.An appeal to _____________________ is when an author appeals to a listener's or reader's personal emotions or experiences in order to make his or her point more persuasive.
1.An appeal to _____________________ is when an author appeals to a listener's or reader's sense of what is logical or makes sense in order to make his or her point more persuasive.
2.______________________ _______________________ is using the same pattern of words in a sentence to show that two or more ideas are equally important.
3.______________________________ is when something occurs (situational) or is said (verbal) that is the oppsite of what is expected or meant.
4.An ________________________ is a reference in one work to someone or something from another work or from history.
5._______________________ is a comparison between two unlike things, without using like or as.
6._____________________ are words/phrases that provide a connection between ideas, sentences, and paragraphs.
7.______________________ _______________________ is when an author uses significant words/phrases within a work to relay specific ideas.
9.An appeal to _____________________ is when the author appeals to the listener or reader's conscience or sense of what is right or ethical in order to make his or her point more persuasive.
10._______________________ is a comparison between two unlike things, using like or as.

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