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The reproductive system


Word Bank
Gamete, Ovum, Sperm, Genitals, Ovary, Uterus, Fallopian Tubes, Menstrual Cycle, Ovulation, Fertilization, Cervix, Vagina, Testicles, Scrotum, Penis, Semen, Ejaculation, Prostaste, Urethra, Pregnancy, Puberty, Childbirth

2             3
6     7          
      9 10 11
12                 13    

2.The pouch of skin that contains the male reproductive organs or testes.
4.The female reproductive cell, developed in the ovary.
7.The hollow muscular organ lying within the pelvic cavity of female mammals. It houses the developing fetus.
8.The sexual organs; the testicles and penis of a male or the labia, clitoris, and vagina of a female
12.The passage leading from the uterus to the vulva in female mammals.
14.The period from conception to childbirth
15.A thick fluid produced in the male reproductive organs, containing sperm.
16.A gland at the base of the bladder in males.
17.The union of male and female gametic nuclei. fecundation or impregnation of animals or plants.
18.To produce and discharge eggs from an ovary.
19.The cycle of natural changes that occurs in the uterus and ovary as an essential part of making sexual reproduction possible. (2 Words)
1.The period of life during which the sex organs mature and certain other parts of the body develop
3.The organ part of the female reproductive system in which the female sex hormones develop.
5.The two male reproductive glands, in most mammals enclosed within the scrotum, that produce spermatozoa and the hormone testosterone
6.The lower, opening part of the uterus or womb.
7.The membranous tube that extends from the urinary bladder to the exterior and that in the male conveys semen as well as urine.
9.To eject or discharge semen from the body.
10.The act of giving birth to a child
11.Pair of slender tubes through which ovum pass from the ovaries to the uterus. (2 Words)
13.A mature sex cell, such as a sperm or egg.
14.Male reproductive he part of the body of men and male animals that is used for sex and through which urine leaves the body
15.The male reproductive cell.

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