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Gifted Best Practices

Yamilee Luis


4.This occurs when students move through traditional curriculum at rates faster than typical. Among the many forms are grade-skipping, early entrance to kindergarten or college, dual-credit courses such as Advanced Placement.
5.Research demonstrates the effectiveness of __________ programs, specialized classes, other special programs and schools and the curriculum these services use in raising student achievement.
6.Providing this for all teachers to recognize and serve advanced students helps identify and more appropriately educate those students in the regular classroom.
1.(2 words) An instructional strategy that condenses, modifies, or streamlines the regular curriculum to reduce repetition of previously mastered material. “
2.One size does not fit all. Collecting information on both the child's performance and potential through a combination of objective (quanitifiably measured) and subjective (personally observed) is very important.
3.Placing students with similar abilities and/or performance together for instruction.

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