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F1 Racing Magazine

Loraine Kean

A puzzle based on the March 2007 issue of the magazine F1 Racing - for my adult literacy student.

1 2
7   8

3.What happens when cars, bikes or horses all try to be first
4.On page 48 there is a form you can use to buy the magazine every month
5.How much money did F1 teams spend in 2006?
6.This team is featured on page 55
9.The cover story - looking ahead for the season
10.These popular cars have a team that is featured on page 66
1.Where a speedway track exists featured on page 100
2.On page 33 there is a story about this white star of F1
7.The photograph on page 8 is about this in Barcelona
8.On page 32 there is a story about this young gifted black man

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