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Progressive Era

Amanda Sylvia

Word Bank
populism, gold standard, William Jennings Bryan, bimetallism, William McKinley, Social Gospel Movement, Jane Addams, Florence Kelley, Referendum, muckrakers, Jacob Riis, Upton Sinclair, Ida Tarbell, Margaret Sanger, Elizabeth Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, WEB Dubois, Booker T. Washington, NAACP, Marcus Garvey, Initiative

1 2
    7 8    
11 12                              

5.He used the newsletter The Crisis to call attention to the black causes.
6.He exposed urban poverty and the life in the slums, he is a muckraker.
10.Populist supported bimetallism; he was in the running for president in 1896.
12.Used gold instead of bimatallism
15.Fought to create child labor laws&laws limiting woman to 10 hour days.
16.She created the Hull House in Chicago.
17.The advancement of the colored people which wanted equality for all.
18.Taught to honor god, the people were mostly middle-class christians.
19.African American educator, author, orator, and advisor to the president of the US. He had a black mother and white father.
1.Wrote The Jungle (1906) he was a muckracker.
2.THe two Leading proponents of women suffrage.
3.Political party formed in 1891
4.Wrote The History of Standard Oil (1904) she was a muckraker.
7.The practice of letting voters accept or reject mesaures purposed by legistlature
8.Jamaican Immigrant; believed blacks and whites could not exist together in the US.
9.A bill originated by people rather than the lawmakers on the ballot.
10.Republican supported gold standard; he was in the election for president in 1896 and won.
11.Reporters of journalists who reported on corrupt politicians.
13.This uses currency based on gold&silver to inflate money supply.
14.She was the first to promote birth control for poor & middle-class women

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