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Thai Temples

Ajarn Larry

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8 9        
11             12          

3.It houses important buddha images and are where the laity come to pray
4.The Naga is a mythical serpent that according to legend, sheltered the Buddha while he was meditating
6.A huge statues giants stand in front of the temple. Yak are supposed to frighten the spirits or demons who would like to enter the Bot
9.Sometimes translated as stupa or even pagoda. This generally bell-shaped tower will usually contain a relic of the Buddha
11.The ordination hall, where new monks are ordained and other important ceremonies take place.
12.The Hongse is a mythical swan-like creature, the mount of the God Brahma.
13.The bell or drum tower to call the faithful
1.Boundary markers, always made of stone. The Bot is always surrounded by eight boundary stones, marking the sacred ground of the temple. The word bai means "leaf" in Thai. The stones are usually leaf-shaped.
2.Phang A more phallic-shaped tower that will be in the center of Ayutthaya and khmer-style temples.
5.Generally, any open-sided pavilion. In a temple, these may be used for lectures, Sermons or pilgrims
7.The houses for monks and novices
8.Singhas alway suituated in front of the Bot, they represent power and strength.
9.Cho Fa are the decorations at the roof gables of the temple. It is believed to represent the mythical Garuda.

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