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Unit 3: Energy, Electricity and Circuits

G4 Science

Find the vocabulary word for each definition. If the word has a space, it has been provided for you in the puzzle.

1 2
          6 7
        9     10  

8.A path along which electric charges can flow
11.A device that changes electrical energy into mechanical energy
12.An object that attracts iron and a few others-but not all- metals
13.A circuit where there is an opening that prevents electric current from flowing freely
1.A material that allows heat or electricity to move through it easily
2.A form of energy that comes from electric current
3.A circuit where there are no gaps and electrons can flow freely
4.A temporary magnet caused by an electric current
5.An electric circuit that has more than one path for the electric charges to follow
6.The flow of electricity through a circuit
7.An electric circuit in which the electrical charges have only one path to follow
9.A material that does not allow heat or electricity to move through it easily
10.A device that makes an electric current by converting mechanical energy to electrical energy

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