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World War II Puzzle

Brendan Coffey

World War II Crossword Puzzle

    3 4
  10               11    

2.Decisive U.S. victory over Japan that allowed the U.S. and its allies to go on the offensive (3 words)
7.The killing of approximately 6 million Jewish people by Hitler and the Nazis
8.Led the U.S. Third Army in France and Germany after Normandy in 1944 and is known as "Old Blood and Guts".(2 words)
10.These groups became firmly established in many sectors of the economy during World War II.
13.Executiveorder 9066 ordered the inter
1.The largest and deadliest battle for the U.S.in WWII - more than 80,000 Americans died (Four Words)
2.Leader of Italy who became Hitler's ally in WWII and was later executed by the Italian people
3.Under this program, the U.S. supplied France, Britain, China, and Russia with food, oil, and other materiel between from 1941 to 1945 (3 Words).
4.American values that President Roosevelt thought should be spread worldwide (3 words)
5.The foriegn policy America followed before Pearl Harbor was attacked
6.In 1944, this group made up over one-third of the civilian labor force.
9.A term that means "lightningWar" and what the Germans used in WWII
11.City in Japan where the U.S. dropped the first atomic bomb
12.Germany invaded this country which was the start of WWII

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