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Words to know Science Vocabulary

Andres Zumaran

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6.bending of a wave as it moves from one medium into another medium
9.when a wave with smaller amplitude is formed
10.for a transverse wave, the distance between the tops of 2 adjacent crests of the bottoms of 2 adjacent troughs
11.for a transverse wave, one half the distance between a crest and a trough
12.bending of waves around a barrier
13.a type of mechanical wave in which the wave energy cause matter in the medium to move up and down of back and forth at right angles to the direction the wave travels
1.waves that can travel through matter or space
2.when a wave with smaller amplitude is formed
3.occurs when two or more waves combine and form a new wave when they overlap
4.a type of mechanical wave in which matter along a medium moves forward and backward and along the direction the wave travels
5.occurs when a wave strikes an object or surface and bounces off
7.number of wavelengths that pass a given point in one second
8.a type of wave that can travel only through matter
10.rhythmic disturbance that carries energy but not matter

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