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Radiography for Dental Assisting Ch 21 to 28


Crossword Puzzle for Dental Assistant Students for Dental Radiography.

1 2
8         9  
10 11      
    12           13

3.If the patient's lips are not closed on the bite-block during the exposure of a panoramic film, a _______ shadow results that obscures the anterior teeth.
4.The most common extraoral film is the _______________ projection.
5.The gag reflex is a (n) _____________ reflex.
6.The ________ ___________ is used to examine large areas of the upper or lower jaw.
7.This is made of Cardboard Plastic or Vinyl
8.The electrons that make up the silicon charge-coupled device (CCD) can be visualized as being divided into an arrangement of blocks or picture elements known as?
12.If the patient ___, the dental radiographer should remove the film as quickly as possible and reassure the patient.
14.This film placement is most likely to elicit the gag reflex.
15.This size film is recommended for use with the occlusal technique in the pediatric patient with a primary dentition .
16.This plays a role in preventing the gag reflex.
1.Most _________________ systems use a conventional dental x-ray unit as the x-radiation source.
2.The extraoral film is typically used to evaluate this area;
9.The gag reflex is elicited by stimulation of the sensitive tissues of the:
10.The dental radiographer should always mount films _____________ after processing.
11.The advantage of increased speed of image viewing is used to describe this type of radiography.
13.Impacted third molar teeth, jaw fractures and large lesions in the posterior mandible are ________ of panoramic films over intraoral periapical films

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