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Tasco Ivana

3 4    
5 6                                

5.The technique of isolating a gene and inserting it into DNA of the another organism. Also called “Recombinant dna technology or genetic modification”.recombinant dna tec
8.A class of natural and chemical compound s that kills other micro-organisms and cures infections
9.The segment of DNA on a chromosome that contains the information necessary to make protein.
1.The application of living organisms or their product which involvesthe deliberate manipulation of their DNA. (2 Words)
2.Keeping animal or plants for the purpose of producing more animals or plants with specific qualities in a controlled way (2 Words)
3.Any organism that can be seen only with the aid of a microscope also called microbe
4.A kind of fungus, which is used in the brewing and baking industries.
6.A protein produced by living cell that regulate the speedy of the chemical reaction without being changed itself in the process
7.A group of single- celled microscopic organisms

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