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Basic Rigging

Jesus Ochoa

1 2 3      
9 10         11    

3.Center support member of a wire rope around which the strands are laid
4.A device that applies a mechanical force for lifting or lowering a load
6.A connecting end of a fastener, such as a bolt, with a series of spiral grooves cut into it.
7.The portion of a pull acting horizontaly when the slings are not vertical
10.A surface in which a straight line joining two points lies wholly within that surface
12.The total amount of what is being lifted includinga ll slings,h itches,a nd hardware
13.The parts of the sling that reach from the attachment device arourrd the object being iifted
14.A sling fabricated in an endless loop
15.A welded structural lifting attachment
16.The main connection fitting for chain slings
1.A group of wires wound, or laid, around a center wire, or core
2.The maximum load weight a sling or piece of hardware or equipment can hold or lift
3.One of the three basic types hitches
5.A single ring used to attach multiple slings to a hoist hook
8.A configuration using two or more slings to connect a load to a single hoist hook
9.A rope made from steel wires that are formed into strands and then laid around a supporting core to form a complete rope
11.A component of the sling that shows the rigger whether the sling has suffered too much damage to be used

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