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Basic Communication Skills

Jesus Ochoa/HVAC Instructor

1 2
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11                       12 13

3.when you're angry or upset, you stop listening
4.A source of detailed or specific information placed ai the end of a section, a chapter, or a book.
8.The type style used for printed letters and numbers
9.An alphabetical list of terms and definitions
10.Large, vertically aligned dots that highlight items in a list
11.Anything from too much noise and activitv on the site to problems at home can steal your attention
14.A way to present important text and nurnbers so they can be read and ulderstood at a glance
15.A person's physical posture
16.An alphabetical list of topics, along with the page nunbers where each topic appears
1.Maybe the speaker is dull or overbearing
2.A process that involves respecting others, listening to what is being said, and understanding what is being said
5.written list that identifies deficiencies requiring correction at completion
6.A legal document that allows a task to be undertaken
7.Information shown as a picture or chart
12.Specialized terms used in a specific industry.
13.Informal written correspondence

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