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Irregular verbs. Past Simple or Past Perfect?


To solve the puzzle, you need to put the verbs in brackets into either Past Simple or Past Perfect Tense. If you opt for Past Perfect, you should write only the Participle, leaving 'had'.

1 2   3 4
6       7

1.The wind (to blow) the papers off the table, and he reached for them.
5.He (to take) a gap year before entering the university.
6.She (to throw) the letter into the fire right before he came in.
9.She never (to take) those pills before, so she did not know what were the side effects.
10.She was extreamly nervous because he never (to sing) in such a big hall.
12.He never (to swim) in such icy water, so he was much taken aback by its coldness.
2.He (to lie) on his back immediately but the doctor came up to him only 20 minutes later.
3.He (to write) a letter, put it into an envelope and sealed it.
4.She (to do) it before so many times that she was working almost without paying attention.
7.She (to write) the play two years before she became famous.
8.They (to sing), and danced, and played, and laught.
10.In the summer they (to swim) in the river and went hunting.
11.When I (to be) a teenager, I had long dark hair.

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