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Chapter 7 vocab

Dionna Butler

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3.a pictoral symbol for a word or phrase
11.visual charactoristics contributing to the appearance of a form , line, or shape
12.a picture, description or imitation of a person or thing in which certian striking charactoristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect
13.a novel in comic strip format
1.a sign or charactor representing a word or phrase, such as those used in shorthand and some writing systems
2.the method of teaching and learning drama where both students and teachers are working in and out of role
4.a written charactor symbolizing the idea of a thing without indicating the sounds used to say it
5.and award given to teh author of the most distinguished contribution to american literature for children
6.a system of communication using visual elements
7.plural form of analogy
8.recognizes the previous years most distinguisehd american picture book for children
9.a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deductable from those of the individual words
10.a comparison between two things for the purpouse of explination and clarification

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