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Unit 10 Idioms

Stuart Gedal

1 2 3          
4             5 6

2.To follow the limits of a plan or continue to work on it until the end (2 words, no spaces)
4.When you send a company the complete amount of a bill, then you ____________ the bill (2 words, no spaces).
8.Cares about material possessions and money.
9.Cares about other people.
10.A plan for spending money.
11.When you need money, you can borrow it from a friend or, you can __________________ from a bank (4 words, no spaces)
14.A word that lets someone know that you are sure of some information but you don't know exactly how you found out.
15.A machine that cuts financial papers or other important information into small pieces to keep them private is called a _____________ machine.
16.Something that has a silent letter and that you want to stay out of or get out of.
1.If you make _________________ you make an amazing amount of money (2 words, no spaces).
3.Small electronic inventions are changing all the time, and some people feel that they must have all the ________________________ (2 words, no spaces).
5.To know the details of how something changes, for example, the amount of money that you have (3 words, no spaces).
6.Work that you do for pay is the way that most people ___________________ (3 words, no spaces).
7.If you don't throw out a lot of stuff from your apartment or house at least one time a year, then you will _____________ a lot of stuff!
12.A man who promises to marry someone and gives them a ring as a symbol of the promise (1 word).
13.When you start a savings account in a bank, you _____________ it.

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