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Chap 8 and 9 Vocab Review


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3.A characteristic of the market revolution where individuals took risks on new ideas and industry.
5.A tool of the working masses to protest employment conditions.
6.A goal of women in the early 20th century but no so for women in the 1840s.
8.Established by George Ripley, Brook Farm is a classic example of a group of like minded individuals seeking to create a ___ society.
10.Henry D Thoreau and Martin Luther King practiced ___. (2 Words)
1.A reform founded on the belief that alcohol had the greatest effects on women who were oftentimes the victims. (2 Words)
2.A 19th century American custom applicable only to women and their lives within the home. (3 Words)
4.A characteristic of the market revolution as manufacturing increased and new machinery was developed for agriculture
7.A characteristic of the market revolution in which the owners of manufacturing invested their profits into the business.
9.The father of modern revivalism, Charles Finney and others of the Second Great Awakening drew together the masses at a ____, the site of emotional preaching and spiritual salvation.

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