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Non-specific animal defence


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1.The proteins or glycoproteins on the plasma membrane which let cell can be recognised as foreign cell or not
6.A kind of substance that exist in mucus and is able to destroy bacterial and fungal cell wall
7.Selection of a specific B or T lymphocyte that is specific to the antigen
8.Cell signalling substance cause vasodilation and localised heat
9.The response of sensitive area of body to the irritation of the microorganisms or toxin, like coughing sneezing vomit and diarrhea
11.A substance that can result in vasoconstriction in the process of blood clotting
13.A type of blood cell that is responsible for the blood clotting. And the deficiency of it culminates in haemophilia
14.A tissue response to irritation or damage of pathogen that will result in pain redness swelling and heat
16.The process of engulfing and breaking down microorganism
18.A type of skin cell that are produced at the base of the epidermis by mitosis and will slough off the skin eventually
19.A common phagocyte with multi-lobed nucleus
1.A cell that isolates the antigen from a pathogen and place it on the plasma membrane
2.A type of cell that secrete mucus
3.A type of cell that can release substance causing inflammation(oedema) after activation of damaged tissue
4.An enzyme that triggers a cascade reaction resulting in formation of blood clotting
5.Hormone-like molecules attract leukocytes(WBC) to the site and stimulate immune response like rising body temperature
10.Protein that can bind to the antigen on pathogen and allow phagocytes to bind
12.A phagocyte that do not fully digest the pathogen, but saving the antigen of the pathogen and put in on the special protein complex on the surface of its cell
15.Tiny, hair-like organelles that move in coordinated fashion to waft layer of mucus up to top of trachea to enter oesophagus
17.An oily substance which can inhibit the growth of bacteria on skin

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