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WHS PS2 Thermal Energy

E Burney

WHS PS2 Thermal Energy

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4.The transfer of thermal energy by collisions between particles in matter.
6.The increase in thermal energy of a system equals the work done on the system plus the heat transferred to the system.
7.The transfer of thermal energy in a fluid by the movement of warmer and cooler fluid from place to place.
9.Absorbs radiant energy from the Sun.
10.The amount of heat that is needed to raise the temperature of 1 kg of some material by 1°C.
11.A device that converts heat into work.
12.The transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves.
13.The sum of the kinetic and potential energy.
14.Of an object is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in the object.
1.Impossible for heat to flow from a cool object to a warmer object unless work is done.
2.Thermal energy, heat, and work are related, and the study of the relationship among them.
3.The heat engine i a car, which fuel is burned inside the engine in chambers or cylinders.
5.A material in which heat flows slowly.
8.The thermal energy that flows from something at a higher temperature to something at a lower temperature.

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