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Unit 4

Stuart Gedal

1 2
    6         7             8

6.If you were supposed to give me a ride to a party, I would wait until you _______ _________ __________ ______ (4 words, no spaces).
9.What do you wear to a formal wedding? (2 words, no spaces).
10.To finish something difficult, for example, reading a long book (2 words, no spaces)
11.When everyone in the family meets for an outdoor meal. This is a custom that is celebrated in the USA (2 words, no spaces).
12.When you hope something good will happen you _____________ ____________ to it (2 words, no spaces).
13.Informal conversation, usually used when you first meet someone or at the beginning of a business meeting.
1.Someone who wants to advance in their career to the top position is very _____________________.
2.Arrive at your apartment or your house (2 words, no spaces).
3.You expect to do something, but it doesn't happen (2 words, no spaces).
4.When you really don't understand why someone does something (4 words, no spaces, no apostrophe).
5.Doing something more slowly than you were supposed to (3 words, no spaces).
7.When someone will always remember something that bad that happened we say "They will _______ ______ _____ ___" (4 words, no spaces)
8.To begin an activity or a trip (2 words, no spaces).

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