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Chapter 12: An Age of Reform

Wilson Yearwood, Drew Randolph, Milo Sulipeck, and Zack Roberts

This is a crossword puzzle for Chapter 12.

7 8        
9   10              

2.An abolitionist and was voice for many people. She was born in New York State and was born into slavery. Even through she could not read she spoke and words inspired many people that heard hear. (2 Words)
3.This man was a leader in the education reform. Many school systems arose based on his leadership. (2 Words)
10.The amount of states that had to pass the laws on Prohibition.
11.A woman in was a Massachusetts school teacher who took up for the cause of prison reform. (2 Words)
13.A place in the east was a destination on the Underground Railroad.
14.He had one of the most powerful voices for prohibition delivered six furious sermons condemning liquor. (3 Words)
15.In the early 1800s, a new generation challenged some religious views. A time for the American Protestants and others to wake up and reform their lives.​ (3 Words)
1.Both Grimke sisters were members of this society. (4 Words)
4.A total ban on the sale and consumption of alcohol.​ By 1800, abstinence pledges were introduced in churches.
5.The north eastern states began to have more required public school laws, making education a more accessible thing to everyone, not just the rich or upper classmen. (2 Words)
6.A person who Angelina Grimke wrote a letter to. He published the Liberator. (3 Words)
7.These two sisters were very avid for the fight against slavery and women's rights. Both were members of the New England Anti-Slavery Society. (2 Words)
8.Secret route to get to the north for refuge slaves. (2 Words)
9.The place Sojourner Truth's biggest speech was given at. (Akron) (2 Words)
12.He held the first revival, and before long other preachers were conducting revivals. (2 Words)

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