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Second Concept Map

Cecile Daigle

The second concept map for the culminating project, on breast cancer.

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6   7   8

3.A special type of contrast enhanced mammogram used for imaging the breast ducts.
4.A physician who is specially trained in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
5.Cancer that has spread into adjacent tissues from its point of origin. (2 Words)
9.An x-ray of the breast used to screen for or investigate breast abnormalities and breast cancer. Can be used for early detection of breast cancer in women without any breast symptoms or to help characterize suspicious breast masses.
10.When cancer cells cause secondary tumors, the cells in the secondary tumor are like those in the original tumor. For example, a tumor found in the lung after breast cancer surgery that has cellular characteristics of the original breast tumor
11.A tumor that is not cancerous or malignant. (2 Words)
12.Small, bean-shaped structures of immune system tissue, located along lymphatic vessels. They remove waste and fluids from lymph and help fight infection (2 Words)
1.Symptoms or changes in appearance, such as lumps, that could be a sign of cancer. (2 Words)
2.A stage of cancer in which the disease has spread from the primary site to other parts of the body. If it has spread further by traveling through the bloodstream or lymphatic system, it is called distantly advanced, metastatic, or Stage IV cancer. (2 Words)
6.Surgical removal of all or part of the breast and sometimes other tissue
7.The surgical removal of a cancerous mass in the breast, and a small amount of non-cancerous tissue around the lump is removed, without removing any other part of the breast.
8.A chemical substance released into the body by the endocrine glands, such as the thyroid, adrenal, or ovaries. The substance travels through the bloodstream and controls the actions of certain cells or organs in the body.

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