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Unit Three

Stuart Gedal

  3           4  
5     6

2.A kind of food (liquid) that may be part of a cure for a cold.
3.The USA is famous for this style of food, but if you eat it every day you will not have good nutrition (two words, no spaces, no hyphens).
8.If you eat all the vitamins, proteins, minerals and other nutrition that your body needs, you are eating a _______________ ________ (2 words, no spaces).
11.When you are talking to someone, and say something that is a surprise but not a joke, you might say "You ______ ___________!" (2 words, no spaces).
12.If someone says "I don't feel well", you may want to find out what is wrong. The question you might ask them is "___________ ____ _______ ____________?" (4 words, no spaces)
13.If you go to the gym three times a week, and take a walk every day, you will ________________ (3 words, no spaces).
1.If you need a little sleep you can ___________ _________ ___________ (3 words, no spaces).
4.Not very often (4 words, no spaces).
5.Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (three words, no spaces, no hyphens)
6.She had an infection in her throat. Her doctor gave her medicine. He also said, "You should be ________________ warm salt water three times each day."
7.If you work in a job that has a lot of stress, you should take __________ ____________ (2 words, no spaces,no hyphens).
9.Expression of surprise and maybe worry about another person (3 words, no spaces).
10.If you have itchy eyes, a runny nose, and sneezing, you may not have a cold but you might have some _________________.

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