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"Teens Against Hitler" Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

Use these clues to spell your vocabulary words from the article.

1   2       3      

1.Very bad in a way that causes shock or disgust; If Roger lives in a building that is falling apart and infested with rodents, you could describe his living conditions as this. If Samantha does something so mean that your jaw drops when you hear about it, you could describe her behavior as this.
6.This is a person or group who is unfairly blamed for something others have done. Sports fans who are looking for someone to blame after their team loses might use the coach as one of these, even if the coach did a great job.
7.A strong and unreasonable dislike and intolerance for a particular group of people, especially people of a different race, nationality, or religion, racism or intolerance of any kind is often referred to as this
2.To treat someone cruelly and unfairly, especially because of their ideas, political beliefs, religion, or race.
3.Utter and complete destruction, to the point where nothing is left
4.Damaging or destroying someone else’s property on purpose. Someone might do this to a building by throwing rocks through its windows.
5.To deliberately damage or disrupt so that it does not work correctly. Your sneaky sister could do this to the balloons you are planning to use in a water fight by poking holes in them. If an opponent were to hack into your computer and delete your speech right before your school’s speech competition, that person would be using this to defeat you.

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