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3.To think very hard about something in an effort to remember it: “To rack someone’s _______ ”
6.When you aren’t sure about something but it sounds familiar: “To ring a _______ ”
7.To speak angrily to someone about something they did: “To give someone a _______ of your mind”
9.To suffer a bad experience that you don’t want to repeat: “To learn a/your _______ ”
12.To forget things quickly: “To have a _______ memory”
13.To reminisce something about the past: “To take a _______ down memory lane”
1.To hear something but without listening: “In one _______ and out of other”
2.Not being able to remember something: “Something _______ me”
3.To have temporary amnesia after getting very drunk the night before: “To _______ out”
4.To forget something minor: “To _______ one’s mind”
5.To forget about something because you don’t see it frequently”: “Out of _______ , out of mind”
6.To become unconscious: “To go _______ ; also _______ out”
8.To remember all of something perfectly: “To learn something by _______ ”
10.To suddenly remember something: “To _______ someone’s memory”
11.To suddenly forget what you had been thinking about: “To lose my _______ of thought”
13.To almost remember something but not quite: “On the _______ of someone’s tongue”

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