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6.a process. the way you do the maths. eg: 5b+6 8-6 10ax7
9.the symbols to groups things together eg: (2a+b) 4 - 2c=
11.a number imultiplied by itself Example: 4 × 4 = 16. 4 is a _____.
12.symbols for plus, multiply, minus, divide etc
13.the numbers on their own for example 2a + 4. 4 is by itself.
14.a special type of equation where the symbols have a relationship eg: volume= LWH
1.the part of maths where letters and symbols represent numbers
2.In this example, −2 and 2 are the roots of the function y=x − 4
3.a symbol for a number we don't know yet. for example 2a+3=? A is a variable
4.a number used to multiply a variable: for example 2a
5.numbers and letters that are equal. for example a+6=10
7.this says how many times to multiply. for example 8
8.the same, so they can be added together eg: 2y+3y =5y. bu not 2x+5y=7xy
10.when a letter represents a number 10-3=a. we know that a=7.

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