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The Big Short

Stuart Gedal

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1.A combined score of you ratings by 3 credit agencies. If you have a high FICO score you pay less interest to borrow money. If you have a low FICO score you pay more interest to borrow money.
5.A record of all your payments of bills, especially for utilities, credit cards, housing, and cars.(2 words, no spaces)
6.A bank that gives mortgages to homebuyers and put all of their loans together and sell them as bonds in the stock market. These bonds are called ________________ (Abbreviation: 3 words, total of 3 letters)
7.An amount of money you or your company must pay when a person is hurt or a product fails. Usually, individuals and businesses have some insurance for this.
9.A person who invests money in a company, who can vote for members of the Board of Directors, but has no guarantee that they will make extra money (a dividend) every year.
11.The city where the real estate (land and houses) companies have their national conference.(2 words/no spaces)
14.This is a measure that is used to discuss changes in interest. One of these is equal to 1/100 of 1%. (2 words, no spaces)
15.A company that buys and sells stocks and bonds, and organizes the stocks and bonds that they own into groups. If you invest your money, you share the risk or the profit with the other members of the group (2 words, no spaces).
16.An agreement that is necessary for smaller companies to deal directly with bigger banks and investment companies. (Abbreviation/6 words-->5 letters)
2.An insurance policy for stocks and bonds, usually only available to very big banks or investment companies.
3.A person who lends money to a company and is guaranteed that they will be paid back with extra money (interest) every year.
4.Companies grow fast, make lots of money, and people want to buy stock to share the profits.
6.If you borrow a lot of money, you may have to agree to give something big to a bank or a person if you don't pay them back. The "thing" you give them is called _____________.
8.Comparison of how valuable a bond is, based on how good business is for a company.
10.The state that Mark Baum and his company go to so they can see houses.
12.Nickname for a small business that is just starting and is run by family members (3 words/No spaces)
13.Abbreviation for a tax number that is given to a business by the US Government. It is similar to a social security number for a person.

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