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Ch 36 Dental Impression Materials

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3.A viscous liquid whose particles become attached to each other, forming a loose mass
6.A negative replica of a person's teeth and oral structures into which dental plaster or stone is placed in order to make an accurate copy or positive replica of the patient's dentition
8.A record of how the patient's maxillary and mandibular arches occlude
9.A gypsum replica of the mouth made from an impression of a patient's mouth
11.The process of absorbing water, causing swelling
12.The process of contracting and shrinking with time as a result of losing water
1.A chemical process that causes two materials to harden together
2.The property of a material that causes it to flow or not flow easily
4.A tendency away from water, an aversion to it, and less wetting ability
5.A tendency toward compatibility with water or complete wetting ability
7.The capacity of a material to flow over a surface and capture all irregularities
10.Folds of tissue connecting the cheeks and lips to the alveolar mucosa

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